Treat your guests or staff to a timeless experience in a monument that is an emblem of French history.

The Joan of Arc Historial offers you the opportunity to rent its facilities to organise your corporate events: conferences, greetings, ceremonies or film shoots… our team will be happy to help you put your project together.

The State Hall

A ceremonial room in the Archbishop’s Palace that has played host to great historical figures such as Louis XIV in 1650. The Salle des États offers a sublime setting for your receptions, with its stained glass windows, chandeliers, statues and master paintings.

Maximum capacity: 230 people

Century Kitchens

For a human scaled event in a surprising location, discover the palace kitchens. These two rooms, where meals were prepared in the 15th century, owe their charm to the perfect restoration of their white stone vaults.

Maximum capacity: 100 people

Officiality room

This open courtyard, with its breathtaking view of Notre Dame de Rouen, will make for a magical evening right on the cathedral’s doorstep.

Maximum capacity: 50 people

Qualified staff, loan of equipment, logistics, entertainment… Our team is at your disposal to advise you and help you make your events a success.

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